What are closure exercises of the larynx?
To help you swallow easier, larynx closure exercises are a good option. With practice, you may be able to strengthen your muscles of the larynx. Your larynx is the area of your throat also known by the name your voice box. Before you swallow, it is important to chew your food correctly. This material goes through your mouth, and then into the pharynx. The chewed foods then pass through a long tube called esophagus. The food enters your stomach via the esophagus. The air you breathe travels from your mouth through the pharynx, and then into the larynx (towards to your lungs). The epiglottis (a flap) acts as a barrier to food particles entering your lungs and larynx. This is accomplished by pulling the larynx muscles upward. They also keep their mouth closed when swallowing. This keeps food out of your lungs. Swallowing requires coordination of actions from all your muscles in these regions. Sometimes they might not be ...