What are closure exercises of the larynx?

To help you swallow easier, larynx closure exercises are a good option. With practice, you may be able to strengthen your muscles of the larynx. Your larynx is the area of your throat also known by the name your voice box.

Before you swallow, it is important to chew your food correctly. This material goes through your mouth, and then into the pharynx. The chewed foods then pass through a long tube called esophagus. The food enters your stomach via the esophagus.

The air you breathe travels from your mouth through the pharynx, and then into the larynx (towards to your lungs). The epiglottis (a flap) acts as a barrier to food particles entering your lungs and larynx. This is accomplished by pulling the larynx muscles upward. They also keep their mouth closed when swallowing. This keeps food out of your lungs.

Swallowing requires coordination of actions from all your muscles in these regions. Sometimes they might not be working right. This could cause difficulties swallowing. In these areas, weakness can make swallowing difficult. The muscles that connect your larynx to food particles can make it more likely for food particles to reach your lungs. These muscles can all be improved through swallowing exercises. They can help you swallow again normally over time.

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To help you swallow better, a speech-language pathologist can prescribe swallowing exercises. The exact exercises you should do will depend upon the reason why your swallowing problems are occurring. It is possible that you have trouble swallowing food in your pharynx. Working the muscles in that area might be beneficial. Particularly, larynx-closing exercises could help keep food moving smoothly down the pharynx to the esophagus.

These exercises can either be done at your home or in your hospital room. These exercises are often done by you on your own. To practice these exercises, you can also consult a doctor.

What reasons might I require closure of the larynx exercises

If you have difficulty swallowing you might need larynx-closing exercises. Dysphagia can be defined as the inability to swallow properly.

Aspiration may be possible due to dysphagia. This happens when material from your stomach/intestines enters your respiratory tract. This situation can lead you to pneumonia or other serious issues. It is important to diagnose and treat dysphagia promptly.

SLP and healthcare provider might recommend swallowing exercises. These exercises can be used alongside other treatments, such dietary changes or medications. These exercises can be used to improve your swallowing abilities over time. You will be more able to swallow. This will help you avoid aspiration.

Different circumstances can cause swallowing issues. Here are some examples.


Significant dental problems

Conditions that reduce saliva (like Sjogren’s disease)

Mouth lesions

Parkinson disease or any other neurologic condition

Muscular dystrophies

Obstructive disease of the esophagus such as a tumor

Previous history of radiation/or chemotherapy to your neck or throat in the past for cancer


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